Bird flu and the effects on the poultry meat market

Bird flu and the effects on the poultry meat market


Poland, as one of the main producers of poultry meat in Europe, is particularly vulnerable to the effects of avian influenza. This dangerous viral disease could have serious consequences for the entire poultry sector. In this article, we take a look at what the effects of avian influenza are on the poultry meat market and how the negative effects of the disease can be minimized.

Impact of bird flu on poultry production

The bird flu epidemic situation is leading to reduced poultry production and bioassurance guidelines. The avian influenza virus can be transmitted by wild birds, which in turn can contact farmed birds. To minimize the risk of infection and spread of the virus, it is recommended that poultry be kept indoors and that hygiene and bio-insurance measures be implemented on farms. However, such measures reduce the productivity and efficiency of breeding systems.

The effect of reduced poultry production is to increase the price of poultry meat on the market. The high cost of maintaining and caring for flocks, the need to comply with strict bio-assurance procedures and the higher risk of avian influenza outbreaks result in higher production costs. Consumers have to get used to higher poultry prices, and farmers have to look for new solutions to keep their farms profitable.

Disruptions in foreign trade

Avian influenza also has a significant impact on trade in poultry meat. An outbreak of the disease in one country can lead to a ban on poultry exports from that country to other regions. The increased risk of the virus spreading causes importing countries to lower their requirements for imported poultry meat or ban imports from a country affected by bird flu altogether. As a result, producers lose access to foreign markets, which can significantly reduce the profitability of the poultry industry.

Moreover, the trade in poultry meat must comply with strict bioassurance standards. Importing countries require poultry meat producers to meet certain hygiene and sanitary standards. The need to meet these standards means additional work and costs for producers, which can make it difficult to export poultry to foreign markets.

Farmers and producers are looking for solutions

Faced with the outbreak of avian influenza, farmers and poultry meat producers must find solutions to minimize the negative effects of the disease. One solution may be to invest in technologies to protect breeding fowl from the avian influenza virus. An example of such technology is intelligent monitoring of bird health, which makes it possible to quickly detect infection and take appropriate countermeasures. Investment in such solutions can help minimize the risk of infection and maintain the stability of poultry production.

It is also important to raise awareness among producers and farmers about bioassurance measures. Preparing plans for the supply of protective measures, training personnel and implementing strict procedures are key elements in ensuring the health safety of livestock. Also, responsible handling of hygiene on farms is vital in the fight against avian influenza.


Bird flu has serious implications for the poultry meat market. Reduced production, increased prices, and disruptions in foreign trade are all challenges that farmers and producers face. However, investments in protection technologies and increased awareness of bioassurance can help minimize the negative effects of the disease. After all, the health of poultry and the health of the poultry industry are key to maintaining the stability of the poultry meat market.


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