Avian influenza viruses, also known as bird flu, are zoonotic infectious diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. Inappropriate zoonotic influenza viruses can cause serious illness in humans and pose a threat to public health. It's worth understanding what the risks of avian flu are and how you can protect yourself from it.
The main bird flu viruses that threaten human health include H5N1, H7N9 and H5N6. These viruses are found in wild birds and farmed poultry, and can be transmitted to humans through direct contact with birds or their excretions. The particularly high virulence of the H5N1 virus can lead to serious complications and even death in infected individuals.
Infection with avian influenza can occur through direct contact with diseased birds or ichekskrement, but also by eating raw meat or eggs from infected animals. It is also important to remember the possibility of airborne transmission of the virus in areas with heavy infection. Therefore, people who work on poultry farms or have contact with wild birds are particularly vulnerable.
It should be noted that avian influenza viruses do not usually transmit from person to person via the droplet route and do not pose a serious epidemic threat. However, as history has shown, mutations and recombinations of viruses can lead to new strains that have the ability to transmit between humans. Therefore, monitoring the spread of avian influenza is extremely important.
Bird flu infection can manifest itself with a variety of symptoms that are similar to those of the common flu. Among them are fever, sore throat, cough, muscle aches or fatigue. However, it should be noted that in some people, bird flu infection can lead to severe pneumonia and other complications that require hospitalization and specialized treatment.
To minimize the risk of contracting bird flu, follow a few basic rules. First, avoid direct contact with sick birds and their secretions. Also, make sure that poultry meat is properly thermally prepared to destroy viruses. It is also important to maintain hygiene, such as regularly washing your hands with soap and water after contact with birds or their environment.
It is also good practice to avoid markets with live birds, especially in areas where there is a high virulence of the virus. People working on poultry farms, veterinarians and health care workers should use appropriate protective equipment, such as gloves and protective masks. If avian influenza infection is suspected, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Avian influenza poses a serious threat to human health, especially when poultry farming is poorly managed and supervised. We must be aware of the risks of avian influenza and follow appropriate precautions. Public health depends on effective preventive measures and monitoring of the spread of the virus, both among animals and humans.
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